
There are some stickers in albums A and B. 50% of the stickers in album A and 20% of the stickers in album B are round stickers. There is an equal number of square stickers in both albums. If there are 51 more round stickers in album A than in album B, how many stickers are there in both albums altogether?

 Jun 11, 2022

This one is a little tricky  !!!


In Album A....50% are Round and 50% are Square

Round = Square...... so  R = S    and the total number in album A   = 2R


In Album B

It contains  (R -51)  Round stickers  and S  square stickers....so the total in this album = 

(R - 51)  + S

But S = R    ....so.....

R - 51 + R  →   2R - 51  =  the total in album B 


And we  know that  the Round stickers in B = R - 51  =  20% of the total....so....


R  - 51  = .20 ( 2R - 51)

R - 51 = .4R - 10.2

R - .4R =  51  - 10.2

.6R  = 40.8

R = 40.8 / .6 =  68


Album A   contains   2R = 2(68) =   136  stickers


Album B  contains 2(68) - 51  = 136 - 51  =   85 stickers


So   136 +  85 =   221  total stickers 


cool cool cool

 Jun 11, 2022

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