
The football team has a total of 20 jerseys. There are 14 medium-sized jerseys. What percent of the jerseys are​ medium-sized jerseys?

 Jan 8, 2018

Best Answer 


The question is...


The number of medium-sized jerseys out of the total number of jerseys is what out of 100 ?


number of medium-sized jerseys / total number of jerseys   =   x / 100


14 / 20   =   x / 100


100 * 14 / 20   =   x


70  =  x


70 percent of the jerseys are medium-sized jerseys.  smiley

 Jan 8, 2018
Best Answer

The question is...


The number of medium-sized jerseys out of the total number of jerseys is what out of 100 ?


number of medium-sized jerseys / total number of jerseys   =   x / 100


14 / 20   =   x / 100


100 * 14 / 20   =   x


70  =  x


70 percent of the jerseys are medium-sized jerseys.  smiley

hectictar Jan 8, 2018

Thank you so much!

JuanitoAsks  Jan 8, 2018

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