how do you divide decimals
 Oct 7, 2013
Say you want to divide 2 by 4 ,
this would be the same as dividing (2*10) by (4*10) OR
this would be the same as dividing (2*7) by (4*7)
They all equal 1/2

you use this idea when you divide decimal (unless you use a calculator). You'd never use 7 just 10, or 100, or 1000 etc

Say you want to divide 0.2 by 0.005
I can't divide by 0.005 but if I multiply it by 1000, I can divide by 5
0.2/0.005 becomes (0.2*1000)/(0.005*1000) = 200/5 = 40

It is the one on the bottom that has to be a whole number. It is much easier to see what you are doing if you write your divisions as upright fractions. Where you can see the top and the bottom easily.
Do you know how to do 0.2*1000?

If you would like me to explain anything a bit better just let me know.
I hope I have been helpful.
There are 3 zeros and 1000 is a big number (bigger than 1) so you move the point 3 places in a direction to make the number bigger.
 Oct 7, 2013

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