If there is 45% of gas left in the car and you trying to get to New York.it is a 4 day drive how much gas do you need to get there
 Oct 18, 2013

:D If there is 45% of gas left in the car and you trying to get to New York.it is a 4 day drive how much gas do you need to get there

hey so you're not giving enough information. I hope that this tutorial will help you understand how i go about doing such a problem and determine what information is needed:

If you have 45% of the gas left that's great, but you need to know the volume of the tank. once you do, volume of the gas you have left can be determined
by finding out "how much" of the total volume of the tank is 45%. here is how you calculate how much gas you have in your car:
- in words: 45% of the total volume of your gas tank is the volume of how much gas you have left
-Call the volume of the gas tank "V." "V" is a "variable." think of it as being whatever number you determined to be the volume of your gas tank

-convert 45% into a decimal. note 45% is the same thing as 45/100 which = 0.45

-The volume of gas you have is V [volume of tank] * [multiplied by] .45 [decimal form of 45%]
-without words: [gas remaining] = V * (0.45)

So that's how much gas you have left. Now, you should be given something like the distance from where you're starting to New York. It sounds like you might be given a time, 2 days or 48 hours, that your journey will take in your question [based on what you asked]. If this is the case, you should also be given an average speed. If you are, the distance is the [average speed] * [amount of time the trip takes] . Make sure your units are correct

You know how much gas you have, and the length of the journey. Now you must know (it should be given in the problem) what is the miles per gallon of your car. That is, how much gas does your car use per mile?

Once you know this, you can calculate the total amount of gas you will need to get to New York. this equation is:
-[length of trip] / [miles per gallon] . as long as your units are correct this should yield the total amount of gas needed for your trip

-The thing is, I don't think that's what your question is asking for (given what you asked). I think it's saying, if you start out with 45% of a gas tank and need to go to New York, how much gas will you need to buy on the way?
-if this is indeed the question you are being asked, then you have to see that although you determined how much gas you would need if you started out with an empty tank, you already have some gas starting out with. So to find out how much gas you need, you must subtract what you started with from the total amount you will need

-it is very useful to know this value when you want to take a trip and you have to pay for gas, because it is expensive and you have to have an estimate of how much it will be so you can know how much it will cost and can decide if you can afford it

I hope you continue learning math in your future it is your friend not your enemy good luck!
 Oct 18, 2013

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