
Ryan had some blue and green buttons. 3/7 of the buttons are blue and the rest were green. He gave away 2/5 of his buttons. 80 of the buttons given away were blue. 2/3 of the buttons left were green. How many buttons did Ryan have altogether at first?

 Apr 19, 2021

Ryan had some blue and green buttons. 3/7 of the buttons are blue and the rest were green. He gave away 2/5 of his buttons. 80 of the buttons given away were blue. 2/3 of the buttons left were green. How many buttons did Ryan have altogether at first?




Let  the  total buttons = T


If (2/3)  of  the  buttons  left  were  green,  then (1/3) left  were blue




Blue  Buttons left  =  (1/3)  (of  what  remains)  


(3/7)T   - 80  =   (1/3)  [ T - (2/5)T]        simplify


(3/7)T  - 80  = (1/3 ) (3/5)T


(3/7)T    - 80   =  (1/5)T


(3/7)T - (1/5)T  = 80


[ 15  - 7 ] T  / 35  = 80


8/35 T  =  80


T =  80  (35/8)  =  350  buttons  at first




(2/5)(350) =    140  were given   away


210  were  left


140 were  green


70  were  blue


Total  blue =  80  + 70  =  (3/7)(350)   =150


Total green =  (4/7) (350)  = 200


150 + 200  =  350


cool cool cool

 Apr 19, 2021

Nice one that was a lot to write

Tgfromthe4  Apr 19, 2021

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