The difference between 2 integers is four, and the sum of two integers is sixteen. What is the absolute value of the difference of the squares of the integers?
Okay, ALL I can think of for this is guess and check. Is there a smarter method, and how?
You can make simple equations
Now solve... by elimination
Now solve for y
So the difference between the squares of the integers is:
I want to throw up right now... I don't know what I ate.
I was using superglue, and accelerator. I think I inhaled the chemicals too much.
yeah, don't inhale accelerator.
and wash your hands after using superglue.
I learned the lesson by having a sudden bout of nausea and almost threw up.
A very valuable piece of advice.
Oh yea, My sister joined!
She is MagicKitten!!!
And she frequently forces me to give up my computer...