
How many numbers between 50 and 250 (inclusive) are not perfect squares?

 Apr 15, 2018

Best Answer 


The strategy here is see how many numbers there are, and then subtract the total amount of perfect squares.


There are a total of $250 - 50 + 1$, or 201, numbers.


Between 50 and 250, there are perfect squares:


64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, and 225.


8 out of the 201 numbers are perfect squares.


So there are 201 - 8 numbers that are not perfect squares. 

Your final answer will be 193. 

 Apr 15, 2018
Best Answer

The strategy here is see how many numbers there are, and then subtract the total amount of perfect squares.


There are a total of $250 - 50 + 1$, or 201, numbers.


Between 50 and 250, there are perfect squares:


64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, and 225.


8 out of the 201 numbers are perfect squares.


So there are 201 - 8 numbers that are not perfect squares. 

Your final answer will be 193. 

GYanggg Apr 15, 2018

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