
I have been waiting. It is getting boring.

 Jul 3, 2014

Best Answer 


you know DragonSlayer though u give urself lots of points but then u wont have that joyful feeling when someone else (or modertor)gives u points for a right answer!so y not earn points instead of giving them to ourselves!

 Jul 5, 2014

DragonSlayer will you please stop giving your own posts lots of points.  

It is definitely not a good look!

And I have responded to LOTS of your messages.  

 Jul 5, 2014
Best Answer

you know DragonSlayer though u give urself lots of points but then u wont have that joyful feeling when someone else (or modertor)gives u points for a right answer!so y not earn points instead of giving them to ourselves!

rosala Jul 5, 2014

What are you saying?!

 Jul 7, 2014

i mean to say that if u give points to urself u will not be as happy as when u earn a point (when others give it to u)!

So thats good that ur no more giving points to urself so a point from me for u!

 Jul 13, 2014

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