
If I have a total cost function of TC=100+4q^2, how do I find the minimum price for a profit? I solve TC=0?

 Nov 20, 2016

Do you have any more info?  Like quantity information?  I do not think I can answer this with the info given, but I will try

fixed costs are 100 so if you make 1 widget it will cost  104 which would be the break even price

2 widgets would cost you 116 and the break even would be 58

5 widgets would cost you  200   and the break even would be 40

10 widgets would be 500                                                       50

You see?  without quantity information I don't think I can answer your minimum price for a profit.....

Though I can say the cheapest widget would be at a quantity of 5 at break-even price of  40   Maybe that is the answer for which you are looking?


if you graph    (100 + 4x^2)/ x   (this is the price per widget)    you will see the minimum cost per widget point of 40 at quantity of 5


Anyone else care to chime in???

 Nov 20, 2016

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