
The difference between two numbers is 4. The sum of their squares is a minimum. What are the numbers? so far I have a - b = 4 and a^2 + b^2 = c (c is a minimum) then I isolated for a and plugged it into the second equation a = 4 + b then (4+b)^2 + b^2 = c this becomes (4+b)(4+b) + b^2 = c which equals 16 + 8b + 2b^2 = c then I rearranged it to 2b^2 + 8b + 16 = c and then I factored out the 2 which gives us 2(b^2 + 4b + 8) = 0 I'm having trouble factoring this by using decomposition. Any help would be appreciated.

 Jun 19, 2021

The difference between the two numbers is 4. The sum of their squares is a minimum. What are the numbers?


a - b = 4

2 - (-2) = 4

22 + (-2)2 = 8

 Jun 19, 2021

a -  b  =  4

b =  a - 4


a^2  +  b^2 


a^2  +  ( a - 4)^2


a^2  +  a^2  -  6a  +  16


2a^2 -  8a   +   16


a^2   -  4a   +  8           take  the  derivative   and set to  0 


2a  -  4  =  0


2a  =   4


a  =  2


b =  a - 4   =   2  - 4   =   -2


a  = 2

b =  -2                 produce a  min


cool cool cool

 Jun 19, 2021
To go from a^2 - 4a + 8 to 2a - 4 = 0, Did you complete the square? When you say to set equal to zero and take the derivative, I presume that means to set the equation equal to zero and then solve for a, but I can't decompose this equation. The answer makes sense, I just need some clarification on the step above. Thanks.
Guest Jun 19, 2021

Another  non-Calculus  approach


a^2  -  4a  +  8  will  be  a paraola  (in the  variable a)  that turns  upward


The "a"   coordinate  of  the  vertex =   - (-4 ) / ( 2 * 1)   = 2


This value of a  will produce   a  min on the  graph






a -  b    =  4


Then  b =    -2



cool cool cool

CPhill  Jun 19, 2021

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