
A. Two trains are currently 4 miles apart travelling in opposite direction on adjacenttrain tracks. The east-bound train is going at a speed of 25 miles per hour. Thewest-bound train goes at more than twice the speed at 55 miles per hour. They will meet in how many seconds?


B. The very bored Cindy made the following observation on a very noisy summer night— a cicada was buzzing once every half a second, a cricket was chirping once every 2 seconds, a frog was croaking once every 7 seconds, and the house cat meowed every 10 seconds.The four animals just made a “symphony chant” — buzzing, chirping, croaking, and meowing at the same time. In how many seconds will the next symphony chant happen?


C. William walked to school in the morning at a brisk pace of 8 km per hour. After school, he walked home in a more leisurely pace of 4 km per hour. His total walkingtime was 27 minutes. How far is school in km? Please express the answer in decimal form.


D. Hiro the chef on average can make 6 pieces of sushi every 150 seconds, but he’ll eat 2 every 3 minutes. He did this continuously from11:00 am to 1:30 pm at the same rate. How many sushi did he make (that he didn’t eat)?

 Jan 24, 2021

4 miles / (20 + 55 m/hr) = .053333 hr = 192 seconds

 Jan 24, 2021

LCM of 1/2  2  7   10 = 70 seconds

 Jan 24, 2021

d/8km/hr  + d/4km/hr =   27/60  hr

d+2d = 8 * 27/60

3d = 3.6 km

 d =1.2 km

 Jan 24, 2021

from 1100 to 130  is 150 minutes = 9000 seconds

9000 s /  150 s    * 6      -   9000 s / 180s    * 2   =  260 leftovers

 Jan 24, 2021


Please ask only one question per post.


Also you are asking far too many similar question.

This is a site to help you learn,  Post one question, wait and then learn from the answer before you even think about posting another.

 Jan 24, 2021

ok, thank you Melody

 Jan 24, 2021

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