
Sir Edwyn is a brave knight on a quest to save the fair Isabella from a wicked baron. It is of utmost importance that he arrive at the baron’s castle at exactly the correct time. He has calculated that if he rides his bicycle at 10 mph he will arrive one hour too late; but if he rides at 15 mph he will arrive one hour too early. How far does he have to ride?

 Sep 27, 2021

rate * time = distance

distance / rate = time


The distance Edwyn must ride his steel horse is a constant.


d/10 = (x +1)    d = 10(x+1)

d/15 = (x-1)      d = 15(x-1)           equate the d's


15(x-1) = 10(x+1)

5x = 25

x = 5   hours                         d = 10 ( x+1) = 60 miles

 Sep 27, 2021

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