
my uncle wrote three different letters and addressed three envelopes. then he went outside for a walk. while he was out, his little daughter put a letter into each envelope and sealed it. what is the probability that none of the letters was in the correct envelope?

 Jan 16, 2015

Best Answer 


Hi Rosala,

here all possibilities:


    Letter 1 put into envelope 1

    Letter 2 put into envelope 2              or          Letter 2 put into envelope 3

    Letter 3 must be in envelope 3                       Letter 3 must be in envelope 2

    we have:

                       1. Letter 1 in envelope 1

                           Letter 2 in envelope 2

                           Letter 3 in envelope 3

                        2. Letter 1 in envelope 1

                            Letter 2 in envelope 3

                            Letter 3 in envelope 2

we can change places 3 times. Letter 1 can start in envelope 1 or in envelope 2 or in envelope 3

so we have 2 * 3 = 6

 Jan 16, 2015

my uncle wrote three different letters and addressed three envelopes. then he went outside for a walk. while he was out, his little daughter put a letter into each envelope and sealed it. what is the probability that none of the letters was in the correct envelope?

\textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{okay} \text{ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{false}
$n& letter 1 & letter 2 & letter 3 $ \\
$1& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{1} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{2} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{3} $ \\
$2& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{1} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{3} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2} $ \\
$3& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{1} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{3} $ \\
$\textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{4}& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{3} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{1} $ \\
$\textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{5}& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{3} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{1} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2} $ \\
$6& envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{3} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{0,1,0}{2} & envelope\ \textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{1} $ \\

The probability that none of the letters was in the correct envelope is  $$\frac{2}{6} = \frac{1}{3} = 33.\overline{3}\ \%$$

 Jan 16, 2015

heureka....i dont understand you answer...i tried solving this but i couldnt.....can u explain your answer to me please!

 Jan 16, 2015

Hi Rosala,

There are 6 different possibilities to put 3 letters into 3 envelopes. I have numbered serially them with from 1 to 6. Then I have looked which letters agree with which envelopes. There remain 2 possibilities in those all 3 letters in the envelopes are wrong franked. Then the probability is: 2/6

 Jan 16, 2015

how come 6, it said ' what is the probability that none of the letters was in the correct envelope'  , there are 3 letters and 3 envelopes so it should be 9.......im sooo confused Heureka!

 Jan 16, 2015

Hi Rosala,

for example if Letter 1 is in envelope 1 then you can't put Letter 2 or Letter 3 into envelope 1.

 Jan 16, 2015

hi heaureka,...so now i understood why not 9 ...but would you mind telling me why6?im just so confused thats why!thanks!

 Jan 16, 2015
Best Answer

Hi Rosala,

here all possibilities:


    Letter 1 put into envelope 1

    Letter 2 put into envelope 2              or          Letter 2 put into envelope 3

    Letter 3 must be in envelope 3                       Letter 3 must be in envelope 2

    we have:

                       1. Letter 1 in envelope 1

                           Letter 2 in envelope 2

                           Letter 3 in envelope 3

                        2. Letter 1 in envelope 1

                            Letter 2 in envelope 3

                            Letter 3 in envelope 2

we can change places 3 times. Letter 1 can start in envelope 1 or in envelope 2 or in envelope 3

so we have 2 * 3 = 6

heureka Jan 16, 2015

Thanks Heureka  

And thanks for the good questions Rosala.    

 Jan 16, 2015

Thanks Melody and Heureka!


Thank you Heureka for all the hard work for me!i really appreciate it!thanks!


 Jan 16, 2015

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