
kx + y = 1


y + -x^2 + k


In the system of equation above, k is a constant. When the equations are graphed in the xy - plane, the graph intersect at exactly two points. Which of the following CANNOT be the value of k?


A. 3

B. 2

C. 1

D. 0

 Aug 10, 2018
edited by Guest  Aug 10, 2018

Best Answer 


Alternatively, you could do it algebraically.  Equate the two expressions for y:



x2+k = 1-kx


x2 + kx + k-1 = 0.  (1)


The discriminant  of this quadratic is k2-4*1*(k-1) or k2-4k+4.  This is zero when k = 2.

Since there is only a single solution to equation (1) when the discriminant is zero, k = 2 doesn’t allow the original two equations to intersect in more than one point.

 Aug 10, 2018
edited by Alan  Aug 11, 2018

y = x^2 + k

 Aug 10, 2018

The graph above might help (even though it is a little busy!).

 Aug 10, 2018
Best Answer

Alternatively, you could do it algebraically.  Equate the two expressions for y:



x2+k = 1-kx


x2 + kx + k-1 = 0.  (1)


The discriminant  of this quadratic is k2-4*1*(k-1) or k2-4k+4.  This is zero when k = 2.

Since there is only a single solution to equation (1) when the discriminant is zero, k = 2 doesn’t allow the original two equations to intersect in more than one point.

Alan Aug 10, 2018
edited by Alan  Aug 11, 2018

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