
Miguel and his brother Ario are both standing 3 meters from one side of a 25 meter pool when they decide to race. Miguel offers Ario a head start. He says he will start when the ratio of Arios completed meters to his remaining meters is 1:4. How many meters will Ario swim before Miguel starts his race?

 Feb 11, 2020

Well.....I don't know what is assumed here.....but....


If  the race is  only  over the length of the pool ......then  Ario  will  swim  5m   before  Miguel starts

To  see this    he swms   1(5)  =  5m    and he has  20 m  left to swim

So    5 : 20  =   1 : 4


If the race  starts  3 m  from the pool then both will  travel  25 + 3   =  28 m

So.....there are 5  equal segments to the race....each being  28/5 =  5.6m

So.....Ario will  travel   (1 * 5.6)  = 5.6  m  before Miguel starts

And he has 4 (5.6) =  22.4  meters left to travel

Note that  5.6 : 22.4  =  1 :  4

But....the distance that he actually  swims  over the  5.6 m  =  5.6  - 3  =  2.6 m    



cool cool cool

 Feb 11, 2020

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