
Johnny, Zane and Lothar shared some snails in the ratio 5 : 1: 2.
(a) What fraction of the total number of snails was Johnny's share?
(b) In a race, Lothar lost half of his snails to Zane. After the game, Zane had 3 more snails than Lothar. How many snails did Zane have after the game?

 Jul 22, 2022

(a)   5 / (5 + 1 + 2)  =  5 / 8


(b)    Before the race Lothar had  (2/8) = 1/4 of the total

When he lost (1/2)  he now had 1/8 of the total   (he lost 1/8 of the total )

Zane originally had  (1/8) of the total

After the race he now has (1/8) + 1/8 =  2/8 =  1/4 of the total




(1/4) total  =  (1/8) total + 3


(1/4 - 1/8) total =  3


(1/8)total  = 3


total =  24 


Zane had   (1/4) (24)  = 6   at the end

Lothar had ( 1/8) (24)  = 3 at the end

Johnny had (5/8) (24) =  15 at the end


cool cool cool

 Jul 22, 2022

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