
Nina is a small business owner who took over their family store in 2003. The store, which was originally opened in 1993, sells all types of clothes and apparel in her hometown. Later, in 2008, Nina joined Shopify as an online merchant. She began selling more products online than in her physical store. Now, many years later, Nina wants to look back on her decision to open an online shop and see exactly how much more products she has been selling.


products  1993  1998  2003  2008  2013  2019
T-shirts  7032  9046  14862  29086   48264   94072
Sweatshirts  5023  10865  12654  25433  21371  20745
Pants  12024   19752   25463   36963  29057  21945
Leggings  4362  5349  2753  8072  11864  21308
Jackets  3540  4214  4452  9833  13973  19723
Shoes  5932  6128  4976  7749  1038  15257
Hats 9620  4214  4062 5183  5432  7243


For all products combined, what is the percentage of increased sales between 1993 and 2003? What is the percentage of increased sales between 2008 and 2019? Comparing her increased sales percentages over the two periods, by what percentage did her sales increase by becoming a Shopify merchant? (round all percentage totals to the nearest 5%)

 Feb 17, 2020

All  products  sold in  1993 = 


7032 + 5023 + 12024  + 4362  + 3540 + 5932  + 9620  =   47533


All products sold in  2003 =


14862 + 12564  + 25463  +  2753 + 4452  +  4976  + 4062  = 69132


%  increase  between    1993  and 2003 =     [ 69132 - 47533 ] / 47533   ≈  45.4% =  45%



All products sold in 2008  =


29086  + 25433 + 36963  + 8072  +  9833 + 7749 + 5183  =  122319


All products sold in  2019  =


94072  + 20745 + 21945 + 21308 + 19723  + 15257  + 7243  = 200293


% increase  between  2008 and 2019 =   [ 200293 - 122319 ] / 122319  ≈  63.7%  =   65%


So sales increase  by about  65 -45 =  20%  over the two periods



cool cool cool

 Feb 17, 2020
edited by CPhill  Feb 17, 2020

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