
At 9:00 a.m , Gwen leaves the Batavia and travels at a rate of 40mph . At 10:00 a.m. , Welch leaves Geneva at a rate of 60mph and travels towards Batavia. If the distance between Batavia and Geneva is 115 miles , at what time will Welch pass Gwen?

 Feb 18, 2020

At 9:00 a.m , Gwen leaves the Batavia and travels at a rate of 40mph . At 10:00 a.m. , Welch leaves Geneva at a rate of 60mph and travels towards Batavia. If the distance between Batavia and Geneva is 115 miles , at what time will Welch pass Gwen?


 Feb 18, 2020
edited by Omi67  Feb 18, 2020

Let   the time that  Welch travels  = H hours


Let the time  that Gwen travels  ( H + 1) hours




Welch's Rate  * Time traveled   +  Gwen's Rate * Time traveled =  Total Combined Distance


60 H  +  40 (H + 1)  =  115    simplify


60 H + 40H + 40   =115


100H  = 115 - 40


100 H =  75     divide both sides by  100


H = 75/100   = 3/4  hr


They meet  at  10 AM  + (3/4)hr =   10:45 AM



cool cool cool

 Feb 18, 2020

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