Hi friends,
I trust you are all doing well...Is the following a typo, or am I missing something?
I have:
They mention that X{0;90}..that means 1st quadrant, however calculating for Sinx we see it's negative? We need to calculate Tanx.
So, Sinx=−3√13
with the opposite side = -3 and hypoteneuse √13
x = 2 π n - sin^(-1)(3/sqrt(13)) and n element Z
x = 2 π n + π + sin^(-1)(3/sqrt(13)) and n element Z
Hi juriemagic: I entered your question into "WolframAlpha" calculating engine and it gave me the above 2 answers. They give step by step solution but you have to subscribe to it in order to be able to see them. I think it costs about $65 US per year.
P.S. They generally use "radians" instead of "degrees" in solving Trig problems.