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Hello, this is GNO*, giving you a full news report! I'm very new here, so don't k**l me if I get something wrong! so here we go...


There has been a major infestation of anonymous users in the forum today. I've seen posts from previous days, and there have never been so many anonymous users here since the p**n epidemic!


I have heard that Melody and CPhill are in charge around here. CPhill has been here most of the day, answering as needed, etc, but Melody is nowhere to be seen! Where is she?


I have heard, from certain people, that this forum can be used as Facebook. Other users strongly object to that statement. Until there is a more strict rule, the FaceBook wars will continue.

That's all for now! Thank you for reading my news report! Bye!

*GNO means GirlsNightOut :) 

 May 12, 2015

Best Answer 


Youre welcome mathsgod1

and yes i do have a well delation with Titanium Rome. We met since kindergarten, and no i am not in the titanium army or in the royal military

im just a girl with feathers that has a good education lol


 May 13, 2015

Hey, Where is Ohio do you live? Like what city?

 May 12, 2015

You've only been on for a couple of hours I think this'll be good, once you spend at least a week here...


Melody, is online consistently and even she has too sleep.


As for anonymous users they mostly come just for homework answers...


The creator of the site has cleansed this site from being filled with inappropriate things.


Also I  object  to this becoming Facebook...It's a math forum for a reason a few chats are nice but it's a maths forum...If you want to go to someplace like Facebook, join Facebook!



Also we already have our own news reporter army titanium Rome !!



 May 12, 2015


 May 12, 2015

Reply to maddiB926: I live in Loveland, OH

Reply to MathsGid1: BrittanyJ says that TitaniumRome quit, and no one else is doing it now! I have rights too, you know.

 May 12, 2015

Hello, this is the wild bob jones who hacked into titanium romes account

anyways, i am the owner of the studios, and no one is permitted to steal mine, or Heather's work. Heather is currently the host/anchor woman of the channel, but you are not permitted to do any news without written copyright permission with anyone in Titanium Industries (yes, titanium industries sells and produces everything)

thank you for your time

-The Wild Bob Jones

 May 12, 2015

Hello, this is Heather Feather, anchor woman/host of Channel 21 News.

And yes Bob Jones is correct, this is my show, and no one is permitted to steal any copyrighted work from me

however, I have to admit, you do a great job as a news reporter.

And MathsGod1 is correct, Titanium Industries owns the channel, so you would have to speak with the owner and one of the employees and a moderator, or Corps of 5, to become a host.

And yes, this is a long process.

 May 12, 2015

Bob, get out of my account! Just because you have my passcode does not give you the right to hack!

Well anyways, I'm the owner of Titanium Industries, and I believe that it was very unacceptable stealing our work without written permission.

I really need some frapuccinos and I also would need to make a list of rules when visiting the Empire of Royality.

 May 12, 2015

You can change your password TitaniumRome

 May 12, 2015

who keeps doing -4?

whoever it is please explain why is that

 May 12, 2015

Its frustrating, rude and selfish!


Its GNO, she's the one who has acess to take that many point away...


Oh, and look who's giving 5 points to them selves!

Yeah, the way to a lot of point without effort and letting other's lose points.



Its just her habit guys.



(This comment will get -5)  -__-

 May 13, 2015

MathsGod, don't make me bring you back to Neu Alcatraz, you got to admit, it was not a pleasant experience, and I know that you don't want to go back there.

Anyways, do I really need to start a fight, especially on the best day of the entire year. Today is Empire Night, and I don't want any fools trying to ruin my day. Also, did you read my message? Apperantly not. And, if GNO continues to violate our policies, she will face serious consequences (sent to camp, Neu Alcatraz, held as hostage, or maybeeven execution).

 May 13, 2015

Titanium, calm down. We all get it that today is Empire night, and that no one has to do that

And yeah, I agree with MathsGod1, it is selfish when you give yourself 5 points.

I honestly believe that the 5 points feature should be banned, just the 1 point should stay.

 May 13, 2015

Neu what?


That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. What have you done to this forum.


It's funny how you 'bann' people for several hours, at first i thought iit's a nice joke to play even though i spoke right in front of your face.

But if you're serious...It doesn't work.


Fighting won't anything or gain anything particularly for you, i see you have your 4 squad (?)  army. Nice, but what are you going to do with them apart from ruining this amazing math forum.

 May 13, 2015

Neu is New in German, MathsGod1, according to a book he read.

And yes, he likes joking around a lot, so yeah.

And don't even bother fighting him.

He thinks you're a traitor (these are his words, not mine).

He thinks anyone that fights with him is a traitor

this is his belief after his ex-girlfriend got expelled

 May 13, 2015

Interesting, thank you Heather.


It seems you are the brains of the TitaniumArmy, that is if you are part of it, i assumed as you have a close relation with Titanium.

 May 13, 2015

Please keep calm...

 May 13, 2015

Lol guys just chill! I'm really new here, so I didn't know that there were any policies or anything! Really guys? I thought you were better than this.

 May 13, 2015

ahh, the god is here

and also, gno, how could you not know that there are policies?

i need some a new rule system for my empire

we must enforce rule #69: everyone who breaks the rules BREAKS THEIR SOUL AS WELL

 May 13, 2015
Best Answer

Youre welcome mathsgod1

and yes i do have a well delation with Titanium Rome. We met since kindergarten, and no i am not in the titanium army or in the royal military

im just a girl with feathers that has a good education lol


HeatherF May 13, 2015

you mean relation heather

 May 13, 2015

oh, btw, thats not how real news reporters do it

real news reporters just say the facts and events going on in the forums WITHOUT taking a side or expressing any opinion unless if absolutely necessary

this sounded more like a rant than a news report

go and learn from heather. maybe youll learn a thing or two about news reporting

good day, gno

 Jun 15, 2015

1 Online Users