
A Titan IV rocket has put your spacecraft in a circular orbit around Earth at an altitude of 270 km. Calculate the force due to gravitational attraction between the Earth and the spacecraft in N if the mass of the spacecraft is 2400 kg.

 Mar 18, 2016

Use Newton's famous gravitational formula: F=G.M.m/r^2

F=[6.67E-11 x 5.97E24 x 2400] /[6,371,000+270,000]^2

F=21,669.28 newtons-gravitational force on the spacecraft at 270 km above Earth's surface.

 Mar 18, 2016

Hello Guest!


Calculate the force due to gravitational attraction between the Earth and the spacecraft in N.

The Earth's radius is 6370 km.

The orbital radius is r = 6370 km + 270 km = 6640 km away.

The mass of the spacecraft is 2400 kg.

The gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s²


The acceleration of gravity is in 270 km altitude a = 9,02875 m / s²


F = m v² / r

F = m a

m v² / r = m a

v² = r a

F = m * r * a / r

F = 2400 kg * 9.02875 m / s²

F = 21669 (kgm/s²)*(Ns²/kgm)


F = 21669 N


v = √(rg) = √(6 640 000 m * 9.02875 m/s²)


v = 7742.797 m / s


The satellite is drawn with 21669 N center of the earth.
The centrifugal force is equal, namely 21669 N.


It flies at a speed of 7742.797 m/s around the earth.


Greetings asinus :- )

laugh !

 Mar 18, 2016
edited by asinus  Mar 18, 2016

See this very good video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXHUih_YVEE  

 Mar 18, 2016

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