
Nick, Janet, Huiju, and Amanda go to the World's Largest Brat Fest. Each of them is equally likely to order a meat brat, a hot dog, or a veggie brat. What is the probability that 2 of them order a meat brat, and the other two order hot dogs?

 Jan 12, 2017

The probability of any one of them ordering a meat brat / hot dog is 1/3. Multiply them together.


(1/3)^4 = 1/81

 Jan 12, 2017

MathNerd I think that is incorrect. You could choose the 2 people that each of differnt foods in 4C2 which is 6 so it is 6 * 1/81 = 6/81 = 2/27

 Jan 15, 2017

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