The denominator of a fraction is 2 more than its numerator.
When 1212 is added to this fraction, the resulting fraction's denominator is twice the denominator of the original fraction and its numerator is 1 more than its denominator.
What is the numerator of the original fraction?
How to do this?
Thanks for the tips guys
x / (x+2) + 1/2 = ( 2(x+2) +1)/ (2(x+2)) cross multiply L side
(2x + 2 + x )/(2(x+2)) = (2x+4 +1) / (2(x+2) eliminate the denominators
3x+2 = 2x+5
fraction is 3/5
3/5 + 1/2 = 6/10 + 5/10 = 11/10 Check!