Find the greatest prime divisor of the value of the arithmetic series
1 + 2 + 3 + \dots + 200
1+2+3...198+199+200 is 50*201 since you can pair up the first and last, 2nd and 2nd to last, etc.
201 is 3*67 and 50 is 2*5^2. the greatest prime factor is \(\boxed{ 67}\) :P
So, in order to calculate the list, we can use a handy trick. We simply take the largest number, multiply it by that number +1, and divide by 2.
We have
\(\frac{200 \cdot 201}{2}=20100\)
The prime factorization of \(20100\) is
\(20100 = 2^2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5^2 \cdot 67\)
Thus, the greatest prime divisor is 67.
Thanks! :)