Let's list our all the factors of each number and find if we have any common divisors.
The factors of 123451 are \( 1, 41, 3011, 123451\)
The factors of 708677 are \(1, 367, 1931, 708677 \)
As shown, the only common factor shared by the 2 numbers are 1.
Thus, the GCF is just \(1\)
So our final answer is 1.
Thanks! :)
Let's list our all the factors of each number and find if we have any common divisors.
The factors of 123451 are \( 1, 41, 3011, 123451\)
The factors of 708677 are \(1, 367, 1931, 708677 \)
As shown, the only common factor shared by the 2 numbers are 1.
Thus, the GCF is just \(1\)
So our final answer is 1.
Thanks! :)