I know this is off topic but.... what's the difference than snuggling and cuddling?
to cuddle its kinda just getting close but sunngle is when your nice an toasty and close and also why are you asking this question!!!
“Cuddle” and “snuggle” are two actions holding the same meaning. If you cuddle, you snuggle or vice versa.
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Hello Mistress Katie-Leigh,
I'd sometimes use the two words slightly differently.
A cuddle to me can be more casual, and more likely to be quicker. To snuggle into someone is more intimate and will likely require more time.
You cuddle a person or animal or toy or whatever
you snuggle into something that is either bigger (more enveloping) or more intimate. Like a big pet dog is you are cold, a partner if you are cold or feeling very affectionate, a parent (if you are a small child) or a comfort blanket if you are a baby.
ps, Could you please lock the school gates shortly? Should be done as night will befall thee soon. :/
to cuddle its kinda just getting close but sunngle is when your nice an toasty and close and also why are you asking this question!!!
where do I lock the gates Mistress Melody?
and to answer your question hannah_tori I just was curious