
OMG! The Wonders on this Forum Never Cease to Amaze!!!


Most on here wouldn’t have a clue, but this forum is hosting not one, but two future Fields Metal winners:

cryptoaops and  KitSoundwave


Stay in touch, guys! We’re all going to want autographed photos!  






Key words: sarcasm mockery derision scorn disdain 

 Jan 22, 2021
edited by Guest  Jan 22, 2021

Fields Medal

 Jan 22, 2021

Actually it’s “Field’s Metal,” the metal alloy that melts at 144°F.

This is the principal alloy forming the composite medal known as the “Fields Metal,” which is analogous to the Ig Nobel Prize.


The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded to those who make trivial contributions in scientific research, especially if a significant amount of time and research funds are invested in the process.  


The Fields Metal is awarded to those who have advanced skills at stating the obvious and presenting fake math in the form of pseudo mathematical prestidigitation. One advanced method is to use one of the organic Houdini processing algorithms, where one or more mathematical theorems and the numerical data are fed to a bull. After the bull digests it and dumps the Pi, the prestidigitator reveals his true self as a mutant dung beetle –aka a bullshit bug, and presents the wondrous BS solution for all to admire.      


Our forum’s wunderkinder do not presently have these skills, but they have the talent to easily learn them. At present their skills allow them to make advanced trivial contributions to trivial math problems, skillfully stating the obvious and burying most of the actual process in bullshit.


If you mentor them Mr. BB, they will become the youngest winners of the Fields Metal in history. 



 Jan 23, 2021
edited by Guest  Jan 23, 2021
edited by GingerSnap  Jan 23, 2021

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