
A planet revolves with a speed of 2,97 * 104m s-1 in orbit around a star. The radius of the orbit is equal to 1,96 * 1011m.

a. What would be the speed in km h-1

b. Calculate how many days it would take for the planet to complete a full orbit around the star. 

c. The mass of the planet is 5,972 * 1024. The average density is 5,513 * 103 kg m-3. Give the order of magnitude of the mass of the planet. 


The question kind of is more physics related but I hope you don't mind.

 Nov 27, 2019

c. The mass of the planet is 5,972 * 1024 (g, kg or t)?

 Nov 27, 2019
edited by Omi67  Nov 27, 2019
edited by Omi67  Nov 27, 2019

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