Water from a stream is used to drive a water wheel. The stream provides 6000kg of water per minute to the wheel. The water falls a vertical height of 5 meters.
Show that the maximum power available to the wheel from the water is 5000W. Halp?
 Nov 25, 2013
Water from a stream is used to drive a water wheel. The stream provides 6000kg of water per minute to the wheel. The water falls a vertical height of 5 meters.
Show that the maximum power available to the wheel from the water is 5000W. Halp?

okay, I admit it, I don't know about this stuff but
I just googled "what is a watt" and I was told that

1W = 1Kg*m^2 / s^3

So I am just going to use the units and there is a reasonable chance that I will get the right answer.

You have 6000kg/min = 6000/60 Kg/sec = 100Kg/sec
You have gravity which is 9.8m/s^2
You have 5m

Kg/sec * m/s^2 * m = Kg*m^2/sec^3 Well that is the units that I want
100 * 9.8 * 5 = 4900W
If I had rounded gravity off to 10m/s^2 I would have 5000W
This is the maximum because some of the energy will be lost. (eg noise I think but again I don't really know what I am tallking about)

The motto of this story is:

Always use the units to help you
 Nov 26, 2013

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