a 60 kg student is standing on a bathroom scale in the elevator. Of course the scale measures weight in newtons. calculate the reading of the scale if, the elevator is moving at a constant speed, the elevator is accelerating 4m/s/\2 up, 4m/s/\2 down and finally the cord is cut and in free fall
 Oct 23, 2013
a 60 kg student is standing on a bathroom scale in the elevator. Of course the scale measures weight in newtons.
I am not sure about this topic so I posted your question on mymathforum.com


and this was the answer I was given. It makes sense to me.

When he is not in an elevator his weight will be 60g newtons

calculate the reading of the scale if, the elevator is moving at a constant speed, Still 60g newtons

the elevator is accelerating 4m/s/\2 up, 60(g+4) newtons

4m/s/\2 down 60(g-4) newtons

and finally the cord is cut and in free fall 60(g-g) = 0
 Oct 24, 2013

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