Dear user,
What is pi? I know 3.141592653589793 but not what comes after it. Could someone be so kind as to tell me?
Also, could someone please tell me what ¶ is called? I used to know, but I forgot.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Random Calculator User (Ima Guest)
I wrote a song using the first 32 decimal places of pi so here's what I remember:
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 ...
It keeps going on and on forever I'm sure you know.
If you do a quick google search for " digits of pi " you can get up to a million digits pretty easily, just so you are aware.
As for what that symbol means, I'm not sure. But somebody will know what it means.
Nice conversing =)
Edit: I forgot a digit in pi! Just fixed it.