
1. The quadratic $x^2 + 5x + c$ has roots in the form of $x = \frac{-5 \pm \sqrt{c}}{2}$. What is the value of $c$?


2. The quadratic $x^2+440x+440^2$ can be written in the form $(x+b)^2+c$, where $b$ and $c$ are constants. What is $\frac{c}{b}$?'


3. Trapezoid $WXYZ$ is inscribed in a circle, with $WX \parallel YZ$. If arc $YZ$ is $30$ degrees, arc $WZ$ is $t^2 + 7t$ degrees, and arc $XY$ is $60 - 4t$ degrees, find arc $WTX$. THE ANSWER IS NOT 146, 236, OR 44


4. In cyclic quadrilateral $PQRS,$
\[\frac{\angle P}{2} = \frac{\angle Q}{3} = \frac{\angle R}{4}.\]Find the largest angle of quadrilateral $PQRS,$ in degrees. THE ANSWER IS NOT 135.


5. In rectangle $PQRS$, $PS = 3$ and $PQ = 4$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $\overline{PQ}$, and let $X$ be the point such that $MS = MX$ and $\angle MSX = 77^\circ$, as shown below. Find $\angle XRS$, in degrees.


6. A regular dodecagon $P_1 P_2 P_3 \dotsb P_{12}$ is inscribed in a circle with radius $1.$ Compute
\[(P_1 P_2)^2 + (P_1 P_3)^2 + \dots + (P_{11} P_{12})^2.\]  THE ANSWER IS NOT 432.


7. Circles $S$ and $T$ have radii $1,$ and intersect at $A$ and $B$. The distance between their centers is $\sqrt{2}$. Let $P$ be a point on major arc $AB$ of circle $S$, and let $\overline{PA}$ and $\overline{PB}$ intersect circle $T$ again at $C$ and $D$, respectively. Show that $\overline{CD}$ is a diameter of circle $T$.

 Dec 25, 2019

These are all AoPS homework problems.  We should not help students cheat on their homework.

 Dec 25, 2019

Yah, too lazy to even get rid of the LaTeX.

 Dec 25, 2019

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