My grandson is about as many days as my son in weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son, and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years?
G = years (Grandpa)
G/12*365 /(365/7)=Son's age in years.
G + G/12 +[G/12*365 /(365/7)] =120, solve for G
G=72 years - Grandpa's age
72 months / 12 = 6 Years - Grandson's age. So that:
120 - 72 - 6 =42 years - son's age. So that:
6 years x 365 days = 42 years x (365/7) weeks
2,190 days - grandson's age = 2,190 weeks - son's age
G = s*52 / 365 grandson age in years
A = s*52/365 * 12 adult's age (what the question is asking )
s = son's age summed = 120
s*52/365 + s + s*52/365 * 12 = 120
solve for s = 42 y/o
then G = 6 y/o
A = 42*52/365 * 12 = ~72 y/o