
Some friends went to the local movie theater and bought four large buckets of popcorn and six boxes of candy. The total for the snacks was $46.50. The last time you were at the theater, you bought large bucket of popcorn and a box of candy, and the total was $9.75. How much would 2 large boxes of popcorn and 3 boxes of candy cost?

 Jan 23, 2020

Some friends went to the local movie theater and bought four large buckets of popcorn and six boxes of candy. The total for the snacks was $46.50. The last time you were at the theater, you bought large bucket of popcorn and a box of candy, and the total was $9.75. How much would 2 large boxes of popcorn and 3 boxes of candy cost?


Einige Freunde gingen ins örtliche Kino und kauften vier große Eimer Popcorn und sechs Schachteln Süßigkeiten. Die Summe für die Imbisse war $ 46.50. Als Sie das letzte Mal im Theater waren, haben Sie einen großen Eimer Popcorn und eine Schachtel Süßigkeiten gekauft, und die Summe betrug 9,75 USD. Was kosten 2 große Eimer Popcorn und 3 Schachteln Süßigkeiten?


Hello Guest!


The price of a bucket is x.
The price of a box is y.


\(4x+6y=$\ 46.50\\ x+y=$\ 9.75\)

\(x=$\ 9.75-y\\ 4($\ 9.75-y)+6y=$\ 46.50\\ 2y=$\ 46.50-4\times $\ 9.75\\ \color{blue}y=$\ 3.75\\ x=$\ 9.75-$\ 3.75\\ \color{blue}x=$\ 6.00 \)


\(\)\(Two\ large\ buckets\ of\ popcorn\ cost\ $\ 12.00.\\ Three\ boxes\ of\ candy\ cost\ $\ 11.25.\)

laugh  !

 Jan 24, 2020

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