
Points $E$, $F$, $G$, and $H$ lie on a line in that order. If $EG=\frac{5}{3}EF$ and $HF=5FG$, then what is $\frac{EF}{HG}$?


 Jan 23, 2021

Best Answer 


If EG is 5/3 the length of EF, then say EG is 5 centimeters and AF is 3 centimeters.

Then FG is 2 centimeters.

HF is 5 times that or 10 centimeters.

We know FG is 2 so HG is 8.

So EF/HG is 3/8

 Jan 23, 2021
Best Answer

If EG is 5/3 the length of EF, then say EG is 5 centimeters and AF is 3 centimeters.

Then FG is 2 centimeters.

HF is 5 times that or 10 centimeters.

We know FG is 2 so HG is 8.

So EF/HG is 3/8

MooMooooMooM Jan 23, 2021

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