
Devi and Dave had the same amount of money initially. After Devi donated $258 and Dave donated $196 to charity, Dave had 3 times as much as Devi. How much had Dave in the end?



due today please help.

 Feb 22, 2020
edited by Guest  Feb 22, 2020
edited by Guest  Feb 22, 2020

Devi and Dave had the same amount of money initially. After Devi donated $258 and Dave donated $196 to charity, Dave had 3 times as much as Devi. How much had Dave in the end?


Devi und Dave hatten anfangs den gleichen Geldbetrag x. Nachdem Devi 258 Dollar und Dave 196 Dollar für wohltätige Zwecke gespendet hatte, hatte Dave dreimal so viel wie Devi. Wie viel hatte Dave am Ende?


Hello Guest!



   Devi            Dave           Devi           Dave


\(2x-454=x-258+3x-774\\ -2x=-578 \)      



Dave ended up with $289 - $196 = $ 93

laugh  !

 Feb 22, 2020

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