

Which of the following situations can be represented by a function with an infinite number of values in its range and only a finite number of values in its domain?


The cost of a cell phone bill depends on the number of minutes spent talking on the phone. For one billing period, the customer has a maximum of 100 minutes to use.


The cost of a cell phone bill depends on the number of minutes spent talking on the phone. Regardless of the number of minutes, the bill can be at most $100.


The cost of a cell phone bill depends on the number of minutes spent talking on the phone. For every minute used on the phone, the cost is $.15.


It is not possible for a function to have an infinite number of values in its range and only a finite number of values in its domain.


"D"   is correct... in a function, if we have a  finite number of values in the domain....each of these will be paired with some y value....


"A" has a finite domain, but not an  "infinite" cost   [ infinite range]....the cost depends upon the number of minutes but it is never greater than 100m ....where m represents the cost per minute


"B"   has some finite domain domain .....  but also a finite range of $100


"C"  has some finite domain and range  [ we assume that there are not an infinite number of minutes in each billing cycle....!!!!!]



cool cool cool

 Dec 5, 2016

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