
Write the expression in expanded form. do not simplify.


ln[x(SQ RT X-1)/X^4+4]



i got the answer 2ln(x)+ln(x-1)-2ln(x^4+4)/2 

and it is saying its the correct answer but not in correct form. PLEASE HELP

 Mar 26, 2020

Ln [ x * √ [ x - 1 ] / (x^4 + 4 ]  =


Ln (x)  +   Ln (√[x + 1] )   -  Ln ( x^4 + 4 ])  =


Ln (x )   +  (1/2)Ln (x - 1)  - Ln (x^4 + 4)   =


[ 2Ln (x)  + Ln ( x - 1)  - 2Ln (x^4 + 4)  ]   /  2


You just needed  to  bracket  the  numerator...the way you wrote it looks like you are just dividing the last term by 2, instead of all three terms.....brackets  and parentheses  are  important.....




cool cool cool

 Mar 27, 2020
edited by CPhill  Mar 27, 2020

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