
Find the trigonometric form of -11+11 i


a. 11(squareroot) 2 (cos 3pi/4 + isin 3pi/4)

b. 11 (cos 3pi/4 + isin 3pi/4)

c. 11/2 (cos 3pi/2 + isin 3pi/2)

d. 11(cos 3pi/2 + isin 3pi/2)

e. 121/4 (cos 3pi + isin 3pi/8)

 Jul 16, 2016

Best Answer 


The answer given by Melody here is the SAME answer given to you yesterday and the day before that.....etc. This is the 3rd time you have posted the same question. The difference is that the answer given to you yesterday is in " degrees", while this answer is in "radians". Can't you convert from one to the other?. Just try converting this into "degrees" and look at the answer given to you yesreday.

 Jul 16, 2016

Can you answer from this pic?


 Jul 16, 2016
Best Answer

The answer given by Melody here is the SAME answer given to you yesterday and the day before that.....etc. This is the 3rd time you have posted the same question. The difference is that the answer given to you yesterday is in " degrees", while this answer is in "radians". Can't you convert from one to the other?. Just try converting this into "degrees" and look at the answer given to you yesreday.

Guest Jul 16, 2016

15.5563492 × (cos 135° + i sin 135°) according to the great Wolfram Alpha.

So it's A?

 Jul 16, 2016

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