33^95 + 32^94 is prime ?
It is NOT a prime but composite=1 817829 852777 597057 552405 801557 063757 035128 314603 081443 374215 399132 611377 574662 310544 622023 540398 413816 236264 614053 001202 262619 126842 307342 323681 (145 digits) - Using "Rabin - Miller test" indicates that it is a composite number.
1 817829 852777 597057 552405 801557 063757 035128 314603 081443 374215 399132 611377 574662 310544 622023 540398 413816 236264 614053 001202 262619 126842 307342 323681 (145 digits) = 7 × 151 × 211 × 17351 × 196439 × 439171 × 33434 876129 × 1 976924 700193 × 82379 672980 635330 027596 216115 831844 876154 751458 947502 203898 014052 739376 120879 214393 428435 681495 644521 (101 digits).
P.S. The last factor of 101 digits is also a composite number, but it may take a long time to factor it, for it appears to have 2 large factors of about 50-digits each!.