For the 1st question, I'm confused about where I place the probability values on the two-way table and Venn diagram. for the 2nd question b and c, I'm confused by the wording of the question.
I'm not totally sure, but here is my view.
For one.
I think you put the corresponding probibilities of passing that class in each segment.
So, A would be pass ONLY english, B is pass BOTH, C, spanish ONLY, D, NONE.
Thus A + B = 82%, B+C = 76%
I will let you work the numbers out.
I think the question means, if you already pulled a star out, what is the probability of getting another, or in simpler words, getting two consecutive star ones.
c) would be getting a basketball one after pulling out a star.
If you don't understand anything feel free to ask!
You kinda find the coreesponding terms.
for the first, if you pass both eng. and span, you are in B. If only Eng. you do A. Total pass eng. would be A+B.
The 2nd row 2nd column, would be D since they didn't pass eng. nor span.