Good day fellow people,
I've been in the teaching district for all kinds of math since I was in my twenties first starting at ASU. I work at four different universities every other month for almost my whole life, and have dedicated myself to my students and everyone around me including myself.I work at the following; Princeton University, Arizona State University, Washington State University, and lastly New York University. I'm almost 65 years old this month Dec.6 which is tomorrow! From all my years in working in the math department, math is just as if you were to tie your own shoes.
The hardest math I've ever done in my day's was Rocket Science! But, that was in my thirties and I'm a little rusty but with the help of a book and a paper and pencil the knowledge will come back to me and be easy all over again! If any of you children,adult's,teens or whoever need help with math feel free to ask away. Don't be afraid, this is why I'm here. To help you get better and understand the unpredictable because remember! Anything is possible if you just believe and put your heart to it!
Thank you
 Dec 5, 2013
Hey thanks M, ! We all need the help even if we don't like to say it. There isn't one math wiz on here who can answer every question but I'm putting my faith in you. Thanks for the help and if I need anything I'll let you know.
 Dec 5, 2013
Hi Professor J.H.
Welcome web2.0calc forum and have a happy birthday!
 Dec 6, 2013
Hello all,
It occurs to me that perhaps I should also introduce myself.
I have a Bachelor of Science (in mathematics) and a Diploma of Education in secondary mathematics. My mathematics results were very good. My teacher training results were excellent.
I have spent many years teaching in seconday schools and I also taught for a number of years in a University College.
I have also tutored a great many students on an individual basis and have had consistently excellent results.

I 'discovered' this forum on 28th September and became a member immediately.
At that time almost all all post were going unanswered and the level of the questions tended to be very low.
I took it upon myself to see that all mathematics questions were answered. (there would be very few exceptions anyway)
Now, the quality of the questions has improved markedly and the forum is just starting to attract some really enthusiastic budding mathematicians.
Now I actually try not to answer all the questions. Although I probably answer more than I should. I believe that it is very important that the forum users are given the opportunity and encouragement to offer solutions and other input.
I have a passion for mathematics and an even greater passion for nuturing mathematical learning and mathematical appreciation in others.
I hope the other forum users believe that I have had a positive impact. If anyone has had questions I don't think that they have been afraid to ask. That is what I, and others, are here for.

In the coming months I hope the forum users will start to develop a more interactive approach. This has been slow in coming but it is just starting to happen now.
 Dec 6, 2013

3 Online Users
