
A right square pyramid with base edges of length 8*sqrt(2) units each and slant edges of length 10 units each is cut by a plane that is parallel to its base and 4 units above its base. What is the volume, in cubic units, of the new pyramid that is cut off by this plane?


 Apr 20, 2021

We  can find  the  height   of  the larger pyramid  as  follows


The  diagonal  distance  across  the bottom of the base   =  8sqrt (2) *sqrt (2) =  16


The  height of  the  larger pyramid  =  sqrt  [ 10^2 -  (16/2)^2)  = sqrt [ 100  - 8^2] = sqrt [ 100 - 64] = sqrt (36)  = 6


The volume of this larger pyramid =  (1/3)  base area * height=  (1/3) (8sqrt 2)^2 * 6  =


(1/3)  (128) * 6    =      256  units^3


If the  base  of  the  smaller pyramid is  4 units  above the base of the larger.....then its height = 6 - 4  =  2


So  since these pyramids  are similar,  the scale factor of  the  smaller pyramid to  the  larger = 2/6 = 1/3


So.....the  volume of the  smaller pyramid =  Volume  of larger pyramid * (scale factor)^3  =


256  ( 1/3)^3  =  


256  / 27  units^3    ≈   9.48 units^3 


cool cool cool

 Apr 20, 2021

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