
Hello guys, I just need help with these two questions.


Which function is shown in the graph?





A sinusoidal function with an x axis beginning at negative pi over two and increasing in increments of pi over two until reaching five pi over two. The function begins at negative piover two comma zero and decreases to a minimum value of zero comma negative zero point five. The graph then increases through pi over two comma zero to a maximum value of pi comma zero point five. The graph then decreases through three pi over two comma zero to a minimum value of two pi comma negative zero point five. The graph then increases through five pi over two comma zero.

Which equation represents the function of the graph?





A sinusoidal function with the x axis beginning at negative pi over 2 and increasing in increments of pi over two until reaching 5 pi over 2. The graph begins at begin ordered pair negative pi over 2 comma 0 end ordered pair and then decreases to a minimum value and then increases and passes through begin ordered pair 0 comma 0 end ordered pair and then increases to a maximum value. The graph decreases and passes through begin ordered pair pi over two comma 0 end ordered pair and then decreases to a minimum value. The graph then increases and passes through begin ordered pair pi comma 0 end ordered pair, increases to a maximum value, decreases and passes through begin ordered pair three pi over two comma 0 end ordered pair. The function then decreases to a minimum value, increases and passes through begin ordered pair two pi comma 0 end ordered pair. The graph then increases to a maximum value and then decreases and passes through begin ordered pair 5 pi over 2 comma 0 end ordered pair.

 Feb 1, 2018

1st one  :


This is the graph of the cosine reflected across the x axis....and with an amplitude of 1/2


So......the correct answer is :


f(x)  =  -(1/2)cos (x)



2nd one :


This is the sine graph with a period half as long as normal.....thus....there are 2 periods in 2pi


So....the correct answer is


f(x)  =  sin (2x)




cool cool cool

 Feb 1, 2018
edited by CPhill  Feb 1, 2018

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