

 Jun 13, 2021

Best Answer 


w = # of women

m = # of men


Mr. Li is a man. 

He shook hands with m - 1 men. 

He shook hands with w women. 

3w = m - 1


Mrs. Li is a women. 

She shook hands with m men. 

She shook hands with w - 1 women. 

4(w-1) = m


3w = m - 1

4(w-1) = m

4w - 4 = m

3w = (4w - 4) - 1

w = 5

3(5) = m - 1

m = 16


16 + 5 = 21



 Jun 13, 2021
Best Answer

w = # of women

m = # of men


Mr. Li is a man. 

He shook hands with m - 1 men. 

He shook hands with w women. 

3w = m - 1


Mrs. Li is a women. 

She shook hands with m men. 

She shook hands with w - 1 women. 

4(w-1) = m


3w = m - 1

4(w-1) = m

4w - 4 = m

3w = (4w - 4) - 1

w = 5

3(5) = m - 1

m = 16


16 + 5 = 21



catmg Jun 13, 2021

Thanks, catmg!!!!!.....I wanted to try  this one, as well


M -1  =   men's hands   that  Mr. Li  shook

M -1  =   men's hands   that  Mr. Li  shook

W -1  =  women's  hands that Mrs. Li shook 

M  =  men's  hands that Mrs. Li shook 




(M - 1)  / W   =    3    ⇒    M - 1  =  3W   ⇒   M = 3W  + 1     (1)

M / (W -1)  =  4     (2)


Sub  (1)   into (2)


(3W + 1)  / (W - 1) =  4

3W + 1  =  4 (W - 1)

3W + 1  =  4W  - 4

5  = W


3(5)   + 1  =  M  =  16


M + W  =    16 + 5   = 21   (just as catmg found  !!!)


cool cool cool

 Jun 13, 2021

thats wut i got just checking!!

 Jun 13, 2021

Attn: mworkhard,


I know you are a valuable member of the forum and maybe I should keep my thoughts to myself......... but really ...

The heading 'quick'   Come on!   Why did you need to sound so demanding?



"thats wut i got just checking!!"

No "thank you."  no   "I wanted to see if there was a better way to do it"


Did you even look at catmg's or CPhill's working?


You gave your question a point but you did not give a point to either answerer.


I suppose any response is better than no response but you're better than this!

Melody  Jun 13, 2021


Thanks, I guess i was just in a rush. (I really don't know how to respond to this)

mworkhard222  Jun 14, 2021

For starters, you were supposed to respond with a direct thank you to Catmg and to CPhill. (not to me) 


And give both of them a point, which you have done, thanks  laugh



Then I was hoping you would think about the wording of future posts with regard to what I have said to you.


You do not need to respond again unless you want to.  

Melody  Jun 15, 2021

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