
I've already answered most of these ques, i just need some1 to verify if they're correct.


1. A map is drawn to a scale of 1:50000. The distance between 2 places, A n B is 5cm on the map.

(a) Calculate the actual distance, in kilometres between A n B

1:50000= 1/50,000


= 0.0001km

(b) 2 towns r 24km apart. Calculate in centimetres, their distance apart on the map.


= 240000cm

(idk if its correct)


2.Given that 5cm on a map represents 4km on the ground;

(a) Calculate the distance in km, between 2 villages which r represented on the map by points 7.5cm apart


= 9.375km

(b) Express the scale of the map in the form 1:n

(idk what it means by that, so i didn't answer that 1)


3. A large swimming pool takes 36hours to fill using 3 identical pumps

(a) How long would it take to fill using 8 identical pumps?

3 pumps = 36hrs

1 pump   = 36*2

               = 108hrs

8 pumps = 108/8

               = 27/2

               = 13.5hrs

(b) If the pool needs 2 b filled in 9 hours, how many pumps will b needed?

108/9 = 12 pumps


4. A machine used to paint white lines on a road uses 250 litres of paint for each 8km of road marked. Calculate;

(a) How many litres of paint would b needed for 200km of road?

8km = 250L

1km = 250/8

        = 31.25L

200km = 31.25*200

            = 6250L

(b) What length of road could b marked with 4000 litres of paint?

4000/31.25 = 128km


5. A farmer plants 5 apple trees in 25 mins. If he continues to work at a constant rate, how long will it take him to plant 200 trees?

5 trees = 25 mins

1 tree   = 25/5

            = 5 mins

200 trees = 5*200

                = 1000

                = 16.6 hours


6. A teacher shares sweets among 8 students so that they get 6 each. How many sweets would they each have got had there been 12 students?

1 student = 6 sweets

12 students = 12/6

                    = 2 sweets each


7. Chairs in a hall are arranged in 35 rows of 18

(a) How many rows would there be with 21 chairs to a row?

(idk the answer 4 this)

(b) How many chairs would there be in each row if there were 15 rows?

15 rows = 15*21

              = 315 chairs


8. Increase 200 in the ratio 8:5

8/5*200 = 320


9. Decrease 6000 in the ratio 3:5

3/5*6000 = 3600


10. Increase 4kg in the ratio 5:4

4*10000 = 40000g

5/4*40000 = 50000/10000

                 = 5kg


11. Decrease 210ml in the ratio 3:7

3/7*210 = 90ml


12. Decrease 30 in the ratio 5:8

5/8*30 = 75/4

           = 18.75


plz check my answers n help me with the ones which i don't know. thank u

 Mar 19, 2016


I really like that you have been prepared to answer them yourself and present your answers.

It means you are serious about learning :)


Lets look at Question 1

1. A map is drawn to a scale of 1:50000. The distance between 2 places, A n B is 5cm on the map.

(a) Calculate the actual distance, in kilometres between A n B

1:50000= 1/50,000


= 0.0001km

(b) 2 towns r 24km apart. Calculate in centimetres, their distance apart on the map.


= 240000cm

(idk if its correct)


I'll do it 2 different ways:

1st way

1:50000   means

1cm represents 50000cm     so

1cm represents 500 m          so

5cm represents 500*5 = 2500m


2500m = 2.5km


2nd way

\(\frac{1}{50000}=\frac{5}{d} \qquad \mbox{Note that all initial values are in cm}\\ \mbox{multiply both sides by 5000d}\\ \frac{1}{50000}\times \frac{50000d}{1}=\frac{5}{d}\times \frac{50000d}{1}\\ d=250000cm\\ d=250000\div 100 \;m\\ d=2500m\\ d=2.5km\)

 Mar 19, 2016

Sorry, I didn't see part b


1. A map is drawn to a scale of 1:50000. The distance between 2 places, A n B is 5cm on the map.


(b) 2 towns r 24km apart. Calculate in centimetres, their distance apart on the map.


= 240000cm

(idk if its correct)


2 towns are 24km apart

1 cm to 50000 cm   becomes

1cm  to  500 metres  which is

2cm   to  1 km

2*24cm  to  1*24km

48cm represents 24km


Lets see if I can do this with algebraic fractions

I'd start with changeing 50000cm to km

50000 divided by 100 divided by 1000 = 0.5

so 1 cm represents 0.5km

\(\frac{1cm}{0.5km}=\frac{d\;cm}{24km}\\ \frac{1cm\times 24km}{0.5km}=\frac{d\;cm}{1}\\ \mbox{The km cancel out and you get}\\ \frac{24cm}{0.5}=d\\ d=48cm \)


So 24 km is represented by 48cm


Teachers teach these problems quite differently from one another and that tends to make it harder.   ://


Have a look at the next one again yourself ://  Then I will check it.

 I have not looked at it at all yet . :(

 Mar 19, 2016

Ok... um.. i've checked my answers n i'm pretty confident that most of them are ok.

But I still don't get number 2. (b) and number 7. (a)

plz help


n thank u 4 the answers for 1 (a) n (b) smiley

 Mar 19, 2016
edited by Guest  Mar 19, 2016

2.Given that 5cm on a map represents 4km on the ground;

(a) Calculate the distance in km, between 2 villages which r represented on the map by points 7.5cm apart

If you are going to do these as fraction equations, you need to learn to use the units properly.

See how I have done it with the km on the top of each fraction and the cm on the bottom.

When I solved the equation the equation the cm literally cancelled out!  (There was one on the top of the fraction and one on the bottome of the fraction.)


\(\frac{d }{7.5cm}=\frac{4km}{5cm}\\ d=\frac{4km}{5cm}\times \frac{7.5cm}{1}\\ d=\frac{4*7.5km}{5}\\ d=6km\)


(b) Express the scale of the map in the form 1:n

(idk what it means by that, so i didn't answer that 1)


5cm represents 4km

You have to make the units the same so

5cm represents 4000m

5cm represents 400000cm

So the ratio is

5 : 400000

Divide both by 5

1 : 80000

 Mar 19, 2016

7. Chairs in a hall are arranged in 35 rows of 18

35*18 = 630  chairs altogether

(a) How many rows would there be with 21 chairs to a row?

630/21 = 30    There would be 30 rows




(b) How many chairs would there be in each row if there were 15 rows?



630/15 = 42  chairs in each row   :)

 Mar 19, 2016

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