Jerry has a box contained red, blue, and green markers. The ratio of red markers to blue markers is 5:2. The ratio of blue to green markers is 3:5. What is the ratio of red markers to green markers?
Jerry has a box contained red, blue, and green markers. The ratio of red markers to blue markers is 5:2. The ratio of blue to green markers is 3:5. What is the ratio of red markers to green markers?
Note, that for every 7 red and blue markers, 2 are blue and 5 are red
So, for every 6 blue markers, 15 are red
And for every 8 blue and green markers, 3 are blue and 5 are green
So, for every 6 blue markers, 10 are green.
So, the ratio of red markers to green is 15 : 10 or just 3 : 2