What two whole, positive numbers that have a one-digit answer when multiplied and a two-digit answer when added?
For the record, post #4 is obviously not by the real GA
Fake GA personality unlocked 🔓
Like seriously, are you trying to get yourself banned? You created an account name that literally insults GA and now you go around trying to impersonate them... and failed spectacularly.
Plaintainmountain (aka: Tastybanana ), while I appreciate you nobly defending the honor of a damsel in distress, I am curious as to why. ...You defend me here while you (and others) chisel away the points on my posts that have nothing to do with you. That’s ignominious.
I can fix those points (and pound yours down below ground level) in a blink. I don’t usually give myself points though because it’s kinda like masturbating: It may be pleasant for the moment, but it’s oh-so-much better when someone else does it for you.
BTW, I’m NOT a “THEY”; I’m a “her,” and I don’t have a goddamnpenis. But, rest assured, I can get as many of them as I may ever bloody well want.
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