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On June 3rd, 2015, everyone escaped from the terror of their first year in middle school shortly after Robert Delen I surrendered along with the teachers.

Royality and the Soviet Vikings oddly teamed up to defeat the Adult Forces of the Millenium Educational Reform Act. It ended up in a escape from the forces.

the educators lost power as soon as the srien rung, where Royality, Soviet Vikings, Smakin' Mustangs, and the 2nd Emirate empire, or simply known as Emirate Vikings II, attacked and united against all forces of evil.

Smakin' Vikings did the best trash talk and fought against the smartest pack of the adult forces, which couldnt stand against their trash talk. the smartest went down first

Soviet Vikings launched the next attack, acting as a tank against most of the jock adults as a distraction

during the distraction, the new Emirates attacked sneaking from behind to grab some data files from the adult forces, and grabing some data from Robert Delen, who is the leader of the forces, representative of the Student Council, and officially the worst representative, and the most evil, yet in GVMS History

after enough data was received, Soviet Vikings retreated, planning for the final attack

Smakin' Vikings already did the job, and most of their troops were wounded against the jocks

some of the Soviet forces were strong, but not strong enough against Delen's Anomaly Division forces, the strongest of the strongest (no, they dont have super hero powers)

Emirates is too weak to go against them

there was only one choice: convince Royality to join their side and attack Delen's forces

even though Royality and Soviet Vikings have been fighting each other non stop since the last 2 years, Soviet Vikings knew that Royality, with their incredible offense, and some great portable defenses programmed to "hurt" everyone oppossing Royality, they knew that Royality was the only option left

and so they did

especially after some Royality nobles like Alex Pitts kept getting tired all the time of losing office to Robert

so, the last day, while the 8th Grade ceremony happened, the 4 now united 7th grade empires attacked Robert's empire, known as the MERA Council

Emirates and Smakin' Mustangs attacked from the west side

Soviet Vikings and Royality attacked from the east and the middle, where MERA stood

Emirates and Smakin' Vikings managed to defeat the west, but were badly wounded from the fights

3/4 of Royality's offense along with 7/8 of Soviet Viking's offense was down, but managed to clear out the east

Roman Flores (code name Titanium Rome), HeatherF (code name Da Feather), Chris Roblez (code name Smiley Royal), and Alex Pitts (code name XenoLord) of Royality, along with David Paul (code name D-Clash), Areli Boba (code name Boba), and of course Mitchell Flores (code name Not Titanium) of Soviet Vikings remained for the fight against Robert Delen, and the 7 heros attacked the remaining forces like a phsyco rampage

the attack raged on for another hour, until Robert surrendered at the final minute

the new alliance formed by the Emirates shortly after the victory, now known as the Elite Squads, contains 4 empires now, starting off with Royality, Soviet Vikings, Emirates, and Smakin' Mustangs

the final attack known as the Battle Of Independence, also led to the fall of MERA

the final attack also boosted Soviet Viking's reputation, led to the new rise of an arabian empire, and another year of success for Royality

Royality, Soviet Vikings, Emirates, and Smakin' Mustangs are now the only major empires to survive the 2014-2015 school year. many empires werent ready, but these 4 empires were clearly ready to face the even the most terrifying fears of middle school, and they will be even more happy when the first new 6th graders show up in August, along with the new 7th graders

anyways, even though the victory went well for others, before the battle, i was deeply heartbroken

remember when Zegroes told Harry Potter  the time she asked advice for getting her crush to date her? let me remind you:

Just do what CPhill did. Write a note to your crush asking: Do you like me with two checkboxes: Yes and No and pass it to your crush, and get it back and hoping he/she wrote yes

well I did that to my crush Amanda Hudson (not the Amanda here, another one), and she wrote no

guess the checkbox strategy sucks

and that hapen...rejection...for the 2nd time

ehhhh, guess I'll have to wait until next year to find a girl

anyways, thats all Royalty has to say

guess Royality is safe....for now, until jennifer tries to invade us.....

but bye for now

 Jun 9, 2015

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