
Q1: Should graffiti be considered art or a crime? Why?

Q2: Which foods should you always keep seperate to avoid cross-contamination?

A. Fresh lettuce & raw ground beef

B. Freshly peeled potaties & raw chicken

C. Cooked chicked legs & raw pork chops

D. All of the above

Q3:MWhat is the best way to tell if a hamburger has been safely cooked?

A. When it is brown on the outside

B. When you use a food thermometer and the hamberger reaches an internal temp of 160*F

C. When the juices run clear

D. All of the above.

Q4: What temperatures are recommended for freezing food?

A. 15*F

B. 0*F or below

C. 20*F

Q5: What temperatures are recommended for refrigerating food?

A. 40*F or below

B. 50*F

C. 30*F

Q6: You let your cat sit on the kitchen counter. You should: 

A. Wipe the counter off with a clean paper towel

B. Wipe the cat off with a clean paper towel

c. Wash the counter with hot soapy water

 May 24, 2017

The Answers are in bold italics. (My opinion for Q1,  rest are facts) 


Q1: Should graffiti be considered art or a crime? Why?

It is art! People want to express themselves, but don't know how else to do it!

Q2: Which foods should you always keep seperate to avoid cross-contamination?

A. Fresh lettuce & raw ground beef

B. Freshly peeled potaties & raw chicken

C. Cooked chicked legs & raw pork chops

D. All of the above

Q3:MWhat is the best way to tell if a hamburger has been safely cooked?

A. When it is brown on the outside

B. When you use a food thermometer and the hamberger reaches an internal temp of 160*F

C. When the juices run clear

D. All of the above.

Q4: What temperatures are recommended for freezing food?

A. 15*F

B. 0*F or below

C. 20*F

Q5: What temperatures are recommended for refrigerating food?

A. 40*F or below

B. 50*F

C. 30*F

Q6: You let your cat sit on the kitchen counter. You should: 

A. Wipe the counter off with a clean paper towel

B. Wipe the cat off with a clean paper towel

c. Wash the counter with hot soapy water

 May 24, 2017

I agree with you to question 1 

but all of my friends keep saying it is a crime

So I just go along with it... blush

Guest May 24, 2017

I'd only like to answer #1. It is an art. The people who do it might not be able to do art, or don't know how to do it. By doing Graffiti, they are proving that they are artistic, daring, and enthusiastic in their art.

 May 24, 2017

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